Harrods with Guerlain was manic, I still have a sore neck! It really does seem people just LOVE the idea of a name on something, especially if it is complimentary!
I will be there again this (Good) Friday and (Easter) Saturday, after that I have to settle properly into the work I have lined up. Some truely awesome jobs including several military crests/badges on both decanter sets and glass panels (for internal doors). I have several prestigious awards to complete including a well known hospital and a mirror/sandblasted light fitting, oh and also some gorgeous items to go in a gift shop of a castle in Italy! There are the watch backings, an intriguing commission, and looks like another pile of swing top bottles are about to invade!!
I am being snowed under with photos that I need to get onto the website to share with you....(when???) and more animals to engrave and get over to Australia and having completed a Dartington Admirals decanter covered in an English woodland scene recently, I am now to engrave a similar set of Dartington Crystal Bordeaux glasses. Amoungst my smaller orders are a labrador, a tiger and lots of flowers.
There is always something different, and don't ever think that a simple name on a glass is too trivial, no job is ever trivial!! I love those just as much, to have something simple and elegant to engrave brings me back down to a normal heart rate and is essential for my wellbeing ;-).
Have a Happy Blessed Easter everyone
..... and remember it is not law to eat CHOCOLATE! I never do at Easter.