Wednesday 30 September 2009

New glass polisher

Finally I climbed the next step, this is one cool tool!! All the way from Texas, I have so many plans for it now ;-)
Never give up on your dreams. Use every single day !
I am now pausing to think of those who have lost their lives, their homes, their loved ones in the south Pacific tsunami, another terrible tragedy. I hope and pray that those who are missing are not suffering. Those searching, be strong.

Sunday 20 September 2009

Newly engraved pieces

Cambridge Glass fair will be upon us in less than a week now. I have been creating a few interesting pieces, here you see "Delicate Deliverance" and "Madame" ....interestingly I suppose the titles could be for either...?

I am very excited about my polisher....crumbs I do hope it is well on its way. I keep thinking of AMAZING things I can do with it.

Bowl of sea will be finished this week. A final special polish would be awesome!

I have forced myself to take a day off today (Sunday) to gather up some depleted energy. However I still find myself stuck in the laptop!!??

I do wish you a peaceful Sunday wherever you are.

Monday 14 September 2009

New Facebook page

Hi all, to try and ease the load of glass engraving questions I get from all over the world...I have just today started a new Facebook page, please see the panel to the right.

It will take a while to get going (because I am still so busy)and once it does I hope it will be a good source of information and you can all chat and discuss etc

I have just ordered a fantastic new polisher from USA and can't wait to get it:
I will let you all know about it when it gets to work! Gotta dash.....soooo much to do!

Keep fit and happy, don't waste a single moment being negative. Seek the LIGHT always!

Monday 7 September 2009

Fully Booked Sept

Hi all, please note I am fully booked for September. If I have emails from you waiting for quotes I will answer those and include them this month.

"A useless life is an early death. " Goethe

Sunday 6 September 2009

bowl of sea

Hard at it this lovely got to cycle soon. Have a lovely day all.

Thursday 3 September 2009

Cambridge Glass fair

Hi all, have been mega busy, but have been grabbing whatever time I can (bank holiday weekend for example) to get creative for Cambridge. Here is a taster of the latest, I have a long way to go with it still, it is my 5th Bowl of sea, all quite different, but this one so far is the closest to the original in its colours and movement, although the bowl shape is very different. Its debut will be at Cambridge Glass Fair, 27 Sept.
I bought a nice bike to come to work on from time to time. reminds me of school days. I am also squeezing in more golf and am so so happy about that, it really helps with the time I have to concentrate on my work. Still keep up the gym too, I was there at 7am today....absolutely worth the effort and I recommend it to everyone who has a body! Get my drift?!!
I say again, "muscles must move."

PS I have still so many emails coming in every day from budding engravers.....yes yes I will do something about it as soon as I can. It is very encouraging that at least my little website halps a bit in the mean time. The biggest request is for a DVD, oh yes, and I have loads of material for that already, I could do that easily in one week ....that is what I would have to do, take a week off specifically for that.

Coming close to the time I should be hearing about this "big job" I wonder...I really do wonder.... if it doesn't happen then I really want to try and go and visit my boys in NZ, I have not seen my youngest for 5 years and that is not right. Sometimes you have to take life by the short and curlies and swing it!! It would be my longest trip ever and I would have to go alone, quite an adventure. But will have to see price of tickets v time I have to close.
Keep on going everyone and always stay positive, be confident that you are doing the best you can.